Movies Channel


In this page, you can be informed about old, new and upcoming movies, learn what the big studios in Hollywood are preparing right now, and also view photos and trailers from those movies. But that's not all: You can also see what's on video (all-time classics and recent movies you can't get enough of).

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July 1998

It seems that this summer will not be anything like last summer. Where are the big-budget-high-grossing movies of 1997? All we see is high-promicing-low-satisfacttion movies. So far I haven't seen any of these movies (and I mean Armageddon, Godzilla, The Mask Of Zorro, Dr Dolittle, The X-Files and Leathal Weapon 4), but I'm afraid my opinion won't change when I see them.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not pessimistic. It's just that all those films failed to impress both the critics and the audience, with obvious results (grosses that can barely cover the movies' budgets).

Movie Theatre: That's where all the news, the photos and trailers of current and upcoming movies are.
On Video:Resent movies we all loved.
Classics Archive: Movies our parents grew up with.
Links: Studios and Movies' official web sites, as well as fan sites.